Height | 1.5 mtrs - 3 mtrs |
Planting Depth | 10 cm deep |
Quantity | 3 Tubers |
Produce Type | ARTICHOKE |
Position | Full Sun/Protection from winds |
Harvest In | Harvest in Autumn |
Botanical Name | Helianthus tuberosus |
Application | Ideally grown in vegetable plots or large tubs. Most suited to cooler climates. |
Variety Name | JERUSALEM |
Row Space | Plant 1.2 mtrs apart |
Planting Time | Plant from Late Winter/Spring |
Soil Position | Prefers light sandy, rich organic, well drained soil. Before planting well rotted animal manure, along with potash needs to be dug into the soil before planting. |
Season | PRODUCE |
Description | Rough oval- shaped, brown skin, white flesh |
Cultivation | Tubers can be harvested 4 - 6 weeks after flowering. |