Top 10 Winter Vegetables and How to Grow Them

Planting in season can quite literally be the difference between success and failure in your garden. When I first started gardening, I had no idea that vegetables were grown seasonally and that some would thrive in heat and some would thrive in cooler temperatures aka seasons. I soon learnt this lesson though, albeit the hard way. I took myself along to our local garden centre and picked out a heap of vegetables I wanted to try growing in the middle of Summer. It’s always bothered me that many garden centres sell seedlings that are not in season and will die as soon as you put them in your garden, but I digress. I chose mostly heat loving vegetables out of pure luck but also chose podded peas. I took them home, put them in a ridiculously small pot with toothpick sized stakes. Needless to say they were brown and crisply in T minus 2 days and I felt a little deflated. I wondered what I had done wrong, was I just a black thumb? Turns out, no I wasn’t, I just needed to learn about growing seasonally…so I did.  

 Aside from knowing which season a vegetable (or flower) grows best in, knowing their sun and soil requirements is crucial to your planning and creating a thriving garden. I cannot stress enough that you need to understand your own climate as well as your own growing space and research what works in your area. With that said, here is our guide to the Top 10 vegetables to grow in Winter and everything you need to know to be successful!


Carrots are notoriously tricky, but once you crack the code you won't look back. They are one of my favourite Winter vegetables and quite possibly, the most fun to harvest. 

Position: Carrots require a full sun position. I usually put them in the sunniest spot I have available during Winter.  

Soil: Needs to be nice and loose and free of debris. I usually add a little compost but unlike a lot of veggies, Carrots won't thrive in a super nutrient dense soil so less is more in this scenario. Make sure to also avoid liquid feeds through the season as this will grow the Carrot tops rather than the root.

Good Companions: Radishes, Chives 

Sowing: Sow seed direct if you can. Transplanting carrots often ends in wonky roots. Try and always start your carrots from seed and not bought seedlings.

Watering: Consistent watering is key to getting nice straight, healthy carrots and prevents splitting. 


In my opinion, if you have never eaten a fresh podded pea straight from the garden, you haven't lived! They are deliciously sweet and fresh and amazing! The good news is, they are very easy to grow AND good for your soil! 

Position: Peas can tolerate a part-sun position but will grow best in full sun. They love to climb, so make sure you grow them up some kind of trellis. It is a good idea to plant them where you had Tomatoes or Eggplants the previous season. 

Soil: I like to prep my soil with compost, a small amount of sheep manure and organic slow release fertiliser. Make sure your soil is free draining. You want to avoid too much nitrogen as Peas make their own.  

Good Companions: Carrots, Radish, Spinach, Lettuce

Sowing: Sow seed direct if possible, if not start in trays and transplant when ready. Try and avoid overwatering while waiting for the seeds to germinate as this can cause them to rot. Pro tip - plant LOTS! Whatever you think you need, double it! Even triple! 


Beets are the perfect thing to plant in Autumn. Being able to harvest both the leaves and the root makes it super versatile. 

Position: Beetroot will do best in a full sun position, however they can tolerate part shade. 

Soil: A nutrient rich, free draining soil will be best for Beets. Prep with compost and a little aged sheep or cow manure.  

Good Companions: Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Lettuce 

Sowing: I like to direct sow my root vegetables and this includes Beets. 

Watering: Consistent watering will ensure you have nice big juicy Beets! 


What is Winter without Greens?! One of my favourite parts of my Winter garden is my salad garden and the good news is they are so easy to grown and maintain, just keen an eye out for slugs (they love their greens as much as we do!).

Position: Full Sun - Part Shade will suit lettuce just fine. They can be ideal to slot into the shady areas of your Winter garden.    

Soil: Prepare soil with compost and aged sheep manure. I like to add a Nitrogen boost by using Richgro Organics Nitrogen Growth Booster (not paid to say this, genuinely love it and use it each year).  

Good Companions: Beets, Carrots, Peas, Radishes  

Sowing: You can sow seeds directly or in trays. Lettuce seeds need light to germinate so you can sow on the surface and just lightly sprinkle a little sifted compost over the top.  

Watering: Lettuce likes more frequent watering than other crops especially if your weather is warmer. Inconsistent watering can cause your lettuce to become bitter.


Like Carrots, Celery has a bit of a rep for being difficult. Once you learn a few simple things about Celery though, it can change the game. Educate yourself and you will be harvesting juicy Celery all Winter long. 

Position: Celery enjoys a full sun - part shade position. When planting Celery, I lean towards putting it in a more shaded space than full sun.     

Soil: Celery likes a nutrient dense soil that holds moisture well. I like to add compost, aged sheep manure and slow release fertiliser and then mulch. 

Good Companions: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Leek     

Sowing: Seed trays is probably easiest when it comes to growing Celery from seed. The seeds need light to germinate so simply sprinkle them on top of your seed raising mix and don't cover. Seeds can take up to 20 days to germinate so don't worry if you don't see much happening for a little while.     

Watering: Celery loves moisture, so watering well is crucial to a thriving crop!


Broccoli is up there with some of my favourite Winter vegetables. I struggled initially to grow it in my climate but after learning a few things, it now grows quite well (as long as it doesn't get too hot). It can pose some serious challenges, especially when it comes to pests, but as long as you prepare well you will reap the rewards!

Position: A full sun spot will be very beneficial for your Broccoli plants. Netting your Broccoli beds (especially when young) is something to think about as they are usually irresistible to Cabbage Moth and the worms can decimate your plants overnight.

Soil: Broccoli is a heavy feeder so make sure your soil is well prepped with lots of compost and manure. I add an organic slow release fertiliser too.     

Good Companions: Celery, Onions, Silverbeet  

Sowing: Sow seed in trays or small pots. Make sure to protect your seedlings if outdoors as they will be quite susceptible to slugs and cabbage moth. 

Watering: Consistent watering is crucial for Broccoli as if they become stressed they will go straight to flower.



Similar to Broccoli, Cauliflower can pose some challenges but get a few things right and you will have a successful crop. Cauliflower doesn't like inconsistent conditions. This can stress the plant out, resulting in no Cauliflower head or premature bolting so make an effort to create optimal conditions early and keep them consistent. Sometimes this isn't possible depending on what the weather decides to do but we try our best!

Position: Cauliflower likes full sun and will enjoy its position even more if you plant it after a green manure crop.    

Soil: Cauliflower is another heavy feeder and likes a nutrient dense soil that holds moisture well.      

Good Companions: Celery, Onions     

Sowing: Sow seed in trays or small pots. Make sure to protect your seedlings if outdoors as they will be quite susceptible to slugs and cabbage moth.  

Watering: Consistent watering is crucial for Cauliflower as if they become stressed they will go straight to flower.


Radishes are one of the quickest and easiest Winter crops, perfect for interplanting with some of your slower growers. 

Position: Full Sun      

Soil: Radishes like a free draining soil and it's a plus if its nice and loose. There's no need to go over the top with fertilising, a bit of compost and you are good to go. Too much (especially nitrogen) will grow the tops rather than the roots.   

Good Companions: Carrots, Lettuce  

Sowing: Sow seeds directly into the garden    

Watering: As with most root crops, Radishes benefit from consistent watering. This will grow nice round roots and prevent splitting. 


Broad Beans are a great crop to grow through Winter as not only do you get Broad Beans but they fix nitrogen in your soil and help prepare it for the coming Spring. They are a no fuss plant and their green foliage and white flowers look gorgeous in the garden. What's not to love?

Position: Full Sun - Part Shade. Broad Beans are an amazing cover crop so plan to plant somewhere that you will put a hungry crop in the next season. Plants do grow tall and often require some form of staking.  

Soil: Since Broad Beans make their own nitrogen, you can back off on fertiliser like chook manure that has high nitrogen content. Add mostly compost, a small amount of sheep or cow manure and you'll be set.    

Good Companions: Kale, Lettuce, Potatoes     

Sowing: Sow seeds directly into the garden      

Watering: Keep your Broad Beans well watered, especially if the weather is windy and dry. 


Position: Full Sun, in a spot where other Allium's haven't been grown for at least 2 years         

Soil: Free-draining, loose soil. Add a good amount of compost. Garlic thrives in a soil pH between 6 and 7.         

Good Companions: Carrots, Beets, Kale, Potatoes     

Sowing: Sow cloves directly into the garden.       

Watering: Garlic likes a moist soil however when it comes towards the end of its life span and turns brown, back off significantly on watering. 

Our Winter seeds will be available at 8pm, Sunday 20th March

1 comment

  • I want Sam broccoli sed please


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